Our logo represents the Legacy of our art and the studio. The imagery of the Roots are past, the Trunk is our present, and the Branches depict the future. Accompanied with the Yin and Yang in perfect balance, expressing the experiences a student will go through at the studio. In which, students will endure adversity for their benefit of themselves and relish in happiness when they accomplish their goals.

Legacy Martial Arts Logo, located in Sabre Springs and Scripps Ranch

The Legacy

Grand Master Hong former teacher of Tae Kwon Do in Scripps Ranch and Poway

Grand Master Anthony Hong

  • Over 50 years of Martial Art Experience, obtaining a 7th Degree Black Belt in Tae Kwon Do, 2nd Degree Black Belt in Judo, and a 2nd Degree Black Belt in Hapkido

  • With over 35 Years of Teaching Experience in Los Angeles, Paris, and San Diego

  • Created Antony Hong Tae Kwon Do 25 years ago in Scripps Ranch, San Diego. Produced over 200 Black Belts and taught over 2000 students in the Scripps Ranch area.

  • Started the Legacy of utilizing Martial Arts as a means to create character in students and teach important Life Lessons.

Master Joseph Angeles in Tae Kwon Do, teaches in Poway, Sabre Springs and Scripps Ranch

Master Joseph Suyat Angeles

  • Formerly trained under Grand Master Anthony Hong for 18 Years, with 20 years of Martial Art Experience. Obtaining a 4th Degree Black Belt in Tae Kwon Do and various training in Muay Thai, Boxing, Jiu Jitsu, Judo, and Hapkido.

  • With over 15 Years of Teaching Experience, my teaching style is a balance between challenge and fun. I continue the tradition of using Martial Arts as a guide for students to teach important Life Lessons and build character.

  • Earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology with focused studies on Child Development and Learning Behavior. Utilizing what I’ve learned to curtail my teaching method depending on the student.

Our Philosophy

Martial Arts isn’t just a hobby, it’s a lifestyle and a support system for the student.

We firmly believe Martial Arts teaches essential life lessons that set up students for success in other aspects of their life: school, sports, relationships, business, and self-development. There are two important phases in our Martial Arts School which are separated by going through the Color Belts and the Black Belts. Each phase is aimed at developing specific aspects of mental, emotional, and physical development to prime the student for success throughout their life.

Student Goals

  • +Begin training the basic foundations of Tae Kwon Do

    +Train Self-Control of Body and Mind to create a teachable attitude

    +Practice Respect to create an attitude of appreciation and gratitude

    +Start understanding and practicing perseverance

  • +Begin training the more advance and complex elements of Tae Kwon Do

    +Become more efficient and effective in Sparring Techniques

    +Start understanding and putting into practice what a good leader needs to be

  • +Start training and applying more Kickboxing style of sparring

    +Putting into the practice of being a leader by teaching the color belt students

    +Continue increasing strength, speed and flexibility